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Ifitm7 interferon induced transmembrane protein 7 ( MGI:1921732)
TS15 (9.5 dpc)
in situ hybridisation

Data Images
Figure S4A of [doi:10.1128/MCB.00272-08] Mol Cell Biol 2008; 28: 4688-96 [PMID:18505827] Lange UC; Adams DJ; Lee C; Barton S; Schneider R; Bradley A; Surani MA, "Normal germ line establishment in mice carrying a deletion of the Ifitm/Fragilis gene family cluster." � ASM. Reproduced with permission from Molecular and Cellular Biology. Reuse of any Licensed Material requires permission from ASM. Copyright 2008.

Expression pattern clarity: three stars
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Expression Pattern Description
Spatial Annotation:
EMAGE:5980Annotation colour key:  
strong strong      
gene expression moderate moderate    
gene expression weak weak        
gene expression possible possible    
gene expression not detected not detected
wholemount mapping

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Morphological match to the template: three stars
Text Annotation:
not detected not detected
Annotation Validation: EMAGE Editor
Detection Reagent
Type:in situ hybridisation probe
Identifier:Ifitm7 probeA
Entity Detected:Ifitm7, interferon induced transmembrane protein 7 ( MGI:1921732)
Notes:The Ifitm7 probe used in this study by Lange et al., 2008 [PMID:18505827] is described as a "C-terminal Ifitm7 probe". It is of unreported sequence.
Age:9.5 dpc
Theiler Stage:TS15
Mutations:none (wild-type)
Fixation:4% paraformaldehyde
General Information
Authors:Lange UC; Adams DJ; Lee C; Barton S; Schneider R; Bradley A; Surani MA, 2008 [PMID:18505827] . Indexed and spatially mapped by EMAGE.
Submitted by:EMAGE EDITOR, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Western General Hospital, Crewe Road, Edinburgh, UK EH4 2XU
Experiment type:non-screen
References:[ doi:10.1128/MCB.00272-08] [ PMID:18505827] Lange UC, Adams DJ, Lee C, Barton S, Schneider R, Bradley A, Surani MA 2008 Normal germ line establishment in mice carrying a deletion of the Ifitm/Fragilis gene family cluster. Mol Cell Biol (28):4688-96
Links: Ensembl same gene
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  BioGPS same gene
  International Mouse Knockout Project Status same gene
  GEISHA Chicken ISH Database same gene
  EMBL-EBI Gene Expression Atlas same gene
  BrainStars same gene
  ViBrism same gene
Data SourceEMAGE