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Hoxb1 homeobox B1 ( MGI:96182)
TS11 (EHF Downs & Davies)
in situ hybridisation

Data Images
Figure 1D of Forlani et al., 2003 [PMID:12835396] . Copyright: This image is from Development and is displayed with permission of The Company of Biologists Ltd. who owns the copyright. Figure 1E of Forlani et al., 2003 [PMID:12835396] . Copyright: This image is from Development and is displayed with permission of The Company of Biologists Ltd. who owns the copyright. Figure 1F of Forlani et al., 2003 [PMID:12835396] . Copyright: This image is from Development and is displayed with permission of The Company of Biologists Ltd. who owns the copyright.

Expression pattern clarity: three stars
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All three specimens are TS11 however only the data from specimen E has been spatially maped in this EMAGE entry as it morphologically matches the EMAP TS11 model (#1). Specimens (Downs and Davies staging) are (D) late streak (LS)/earlybud (EB) /neural plate (NP); (E) early headfold (EHF); (F) headfold (HF). Image annotations: Arrowhead, rostral front of expression; n, node. Anterior is towards the left; posterior towards the right.
Expression Pattern Description
Spatial Annotation:
EMAGE:910Annotation colour key:  
strong strong      
gene expression moderate moderate    
gene expression weak weak        
gene expression possible possible    
gene expression not detected not detected
wholemount mapping

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Morphological match to the template: one star
Text Annotation:
primitive streak
detected detected
regionalTranscripts reached that anterior end of the streak; also more widely laterally and anteriorly in the mesodermal wings. Domain spread beyond the node.
Annotation Validation: EMAGE Editor
Detection Reagent
Type:in situ hybridisation probe
Entity Detected:Hoxb1, homeobox B1 ( MGI:96182)
Notes:The probe used in this study by Forlani et al., 2003 [PMID:12835396] is described as: "The Hoxb1 probe was a T7 polymerase transcript from a 800 basepairs (bp) EcoRI fragment (Wilkinson & Krumlauf, 1990 [PMID:1699319] )". Wilkinson & Krumlauf in turn indicate that the probe is described by Wilkinson et al., 1989 [PMID:2571936] ie. an "800 bp EcoRI" fragment.
Strain:(C57BL/6J x CBA)F1
Age:EHF Downs & Davies
Theiler Stage:TS11
Mutations:none (wild-type)
General Information
Authors:Forlani et al., 2003 [PMID:12835396] . Indexed by GXD, Spatially mapped by EMAGE.
Submitted by:EMAGE EDITOR, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Western General Hospital, Crewe Road, Edinburgh, UK EH4 2XU
Experiment type:non-screen
References:[ doi:10.1242/dev.00573] [ PMID:12835396] Forlani S, Lawson KA, Deschamps J 2003 Acquisition of Hox codes during gastrulation and axial elongation in the mouse embryo. Development (130):3807-19
 [ doi:10.1038/341405a0] [ PMID:2571936] Wilkinson DG, Bhatt S, Cook M, Boncinelli E, Krumlauf R 1989 Segmental expression of Hox-2 homoeobox-containing genes in the developing mouse hindbrain. Nature (341):405-9
 [ doi:10.1016/0166-2236(90)90145-Z] [ PMID:1699319] Wilkinson DG, Krumlauf R 1990 Molecular approaches to the segmentation of the hindbrain. Trends Neurosci (13):335-9
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Data SourceMGI