Authors: | Yu J., Tenzen T., Gray P.A., Fu H., Luo P., Zhao Q., Ferrari A., Yuk D.I., Tsung E.F., Cai Z., Alberta J.A., Cheng L.P., Liu Y., Stenman J.M., Valerius M.T., Billings N., Kim H.A., Greenberg M.E., Rowitch D.H., Stiles C.D., Ma Q., McMahon A.P.
Indexed by GXD, Spatially mapped by EMAGE. |
Principal investigator: | Andrew P. McMahon, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Harvard University
16 Divinity Ave
Room 1059, Cambridge, U.S.A MA 02138 |
Submitted by: | EMAGE EDITOR, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Western General Hospital, Crewe Road, Edinburgh, UK EH4 2XU |
Experiment type: | screen |
References: | [ doi:10.1126/science.1104935] [ PMID:15618518] Gray PA, 2004 Mouse brain organization revealed through direct genome-scale TF expression analysis. Science (306):2255-7 |
Acknowledgments: | This work was supported by the Charles Dana Foundation, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (QM, CDS, DHR & APM), the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (QM), the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (APM), a Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship for Minorities (PAG), a Parker B. Francis Fellowship in Pulmonary Medicine (PAG) and the Pew Trust (QM). |
Links: | MGI:3509465 same experiment |
| Ensembl same gene |
| Allen Brain Atlas same gene |
| BioGPS same gene |
| International Mouse Knockout Project Status same gene |
| GEISHA Chicken ISH Database same gene |
| EMBL-EBI Gene Expression Atlas same gene |
| BrainStars same gene |
| ViBrism same gene |
Data Source |  |