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Wnt1 wingless-related MMTV integration site 1 ( MGI:98953)
TS12 (6-8 Somite no.)
in situ hybridisation

Data Images
Figure 8F of Rhinn et al., 1998 [PMID:9449667] Copyright: This image is from Development and is displayed with the permission of The Company of Biologists Ltd. who owns the copyright.

Expression pattern clarity: no stars
This is a dorsal view
Expression Pattern Description
Text Annotation:
future brain
detected detected
regionalWnt1 is expressed in the dorsal neural tube and in a transverse band in the posterior mesencephalon of wild-type embryos
neural tube
detected detected
regionalWnt1 is expressed in the dorsal neural tube and in a transverse band in the posterior mesencephalon of wild-type embryos
Annotation Validation: EMAGE Editor
Detection Reagent
Type:in situ hybridisation probe
Entity Detected:Wnt1, wingless-related MMTV integration site 1 ( MGI:98953)
Notes:The Wnt1 probe used in this study by Rhinn et al., 1998 [PMID:9449667] is indicated as that used by Fung et al., 1985 [PMID:3018519] . Fung et al. do not refer to any in situ hybridisation probes.
Age:6-8 Somite no.
Theiler Stage:TS12
Mutations:none (wild-type)
Fixation:4% paraformaldehyde
General Information
Authors:Rhinn et al., 1998 [PMID:9449667] Indexed by GXD
Submitted by:EMAGE EDITOR, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Western General Hospital, Crewe Road, Edinburgh, UK EH4 2XU
Experiment type:non-screen
References:[ PMID:9449667] Rhinn M, Dierich A, Shawlot W, Behringer RR, Le Meur M, Ang SL 1998 Sequential roles for Otx2 in visceral endoderm and neuroectoderm for forebrain and midbrain induction and specification. Development (125):845-56
 [ PMID:3018519] Fung YK, Shackleford GM, Brown AM, Sanders GS, Varmus HE 1985 Nucleotide sequence and expression in vitro of cDNA derived from mRNA of int-1, a provirally activated mouse mammary oncogene. Mol Cell Biol (5):3337-44
Links:MGI:1327259 same experiment
  Ensembl same gene
  Allen Brain Atlas same gene
  BioGPS same gene
  International Mouse Knockout Project Status same gene
  GEISHA Chicken ISH Database same gene
  EMBL-EBI Gene Expression Atlas same gene
  BrainStars same gene
  ViBrism same gene
Data SourceMGI