Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.7.5
WlzCMeshDistance [-b] [-h] [-i] [-L] [-o<out obj file>] [-r<ref obj file>] [-s #,#,#] [<input mesh file>]
-b | Use the boundary of the mesh for seed points. |
-h | Help, prints usage message. |
-i | Output an image with interpolated distance values rather than a mesh with indexed values. |
-L | Use expensive interpolation (mainly useful as a test).. |
-o | Output object file. |
-r | Use the boundary of the reference object for seed points. |
-s | Use the single seed position. |
WlzCMeshDistance -i -s 100,200,0 -o out.wlz mesh.wlzCreates a new domain object with values, in which the domain covers the given mesh and the values are distances from the seed (at column 100, line 200, plane 0). The new domain object is written to the file out.wlz.