Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.7.5
WlzHistogramFitPeaks [-h] [-y] [-o<out file>] [-s#] [-t#] [-l#] [<in object>]
-h | Help, prints usage message. |
-l | Log-liklihood fitting tolerance. |
-n | Number of Gaussian distributions. |
-o | Output data file name. |
-s | Minimum Gaussian sigma (standard deviation). |
-t | Threshold value for peak height. |
-y | Synthesize a new histogram from the mixture of Gaussians, by default just the statistics are output. |
<mu (mean)> <sigma (std dev)> <alpha (height)> <area>one record for each fitted Gaussian, or a synthesized histogram built using the statistics is output. Objects/data are read from stdin and written to stdout unless the filenames are given.
WlzHistogramFitPeaks -s1.0 -t 10.0 myhist.wlzThe input Woolz histogram object is read from myhist.wlz. Histogram peaks are detected using a Gaussian smoothing filter with a sigma value of 1.0 and a threshold value of 10.0, the maximum liklihood mixture of Gaussians is computed and the mixture statistics are written to the standard output.