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Wnt11 wingless-related MMTV integration site 11 ( MGI:101948)
TS15 (9.5 dpc)
in situ hybridisation

Data Images
EMAGE:6162 EMAGE:6162 EMAGE:6162 EMAGE:6162 EMAGE:6162
3D reconstructed object showing signal. All sections along the X-axis, as movie. All sections along the Y-axis, as movie. All sections along the Z-axis, as movie. Photograph prior to 3D imaging.

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Expression pattern clarity: three stars
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This is a traditionally produced wholemount in situ hybridisation stained using alkaline phosphatase + NBT/BCIP. It has been imaged using Optical Projection Tomography using visible light. In the OPT images, the signal is visible as the brightest regions.
Expression Pattern Description
Spatial Annotation:
EMAGE:6162Annotation colour key:  
strong strong      
gene expression moderate moderate    
gene expression weak weak        
gene expression possible possible    
gene expression not detected not detected
3D mapping

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Morphological match to the template: no stars
Text Annotation:
detected detected
Annotation Validation: EMAGE Editor
Detection Reagent
Type:in situ hybridisation probe
Identifier:Wnt11 cloneA
Entity Detected:Wnt11, wingless-related MMTV integration site 11 ( MGI:101948)
Notes:The template used to generate the Wnt11 probe used in this study was obtained from A. McMahon. Probe was transcribed from the entire insert. The insert sequence of the clone has been verified by Summerhurst and Murphy. It spans nt 169-1821 of the Wnt11 cDNA RefSeq NM_009519.1, yet also includes a 376nt 5' extension which spans nt 1510436-1510650 and nt 1511363-1511525 of the genomic contig assembly NW_001030877.1. Editor's note: the template clone has nucleotide similarity to both Wnt11 and the overlapping 'EST gene' ENSMUSESTG00000022193.
Age:9.5 dpc
Theiler Stage:TS15
Mutations:none (wild-type)
Fixation:4% paraformaldehyde
Staining procedure:alkaline phosphatase + NBT/BCIP
General Information
Authors:Kristen Summerhurst, Paula Murphy
Principal investigator:Paula Murphy, Trinity College Dublin, Zoology Department, Dublin, Ireland 2
Submitted by:Kristen Summerhurst, Trinity College Dublin, Zoology Department, Dublin, Ireland 2
Experiment type:non-screen
Links: Ensembl same gene
  Allen Brain Atlas same gene
  BioGPS same gene
  International Mouse Knockout Project Status same gene
  GEISHA Chicken ISH Database same gene
  EMBL-EBI Gene Expression Atlas same gene
  BrainStars same gene
  ViBrism same gene
Data SourceEMAGE