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Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.7.5
_AlcUFTree Struct Reference

A general purpose union tree based on Robert Sedgewick's Weighted Quick Union Find. More...

Data Fields

int * pr
int * sz
int nCmp
int nNod
int maxNod

Detailed Description

A general purpose union tree based on Robert Sedgewick's Weighted Quick Union Find.

Field Documentation

int* _AlcUFTree::pr

The parent node of each node in the tree.

Referenced by AlcUFTreeFind(), AlcUFTreeFree(), AlcUFTreeInit(), AlcUFTreeNew(), AlcUFTreeUnion(), and WlzLabel3D().

int* _AlcUFTree::sz

The number of nodes in the subtree of the nodes (including the node itself).

Referenced by AlcUFTreeInit(), AlcUFTreeNew(), and AlcUFTreeUnion().

int _AlcUFTree::nCmp

Number of components in the tree.

Referenced by AlcUFTreeInit(), AlcUFTreeUnion(), and WlzLabel3D().

int _AlcUFTree::nNod

Number of nodes.

Referenced by AlcUFTreeInit(), and AlcUFTreeUnion().

int _AlcUFTree::maxNod

Maximum number of nodes space allocated for.

Referenced by AlcUFTreeNew(), and AlcUFTreeUnion().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: