Results Column: DATA IMAGE
- Each row = one EMAGE entry.
- This column shows a thumbnail version of the raw data image.
- The number shown in the column header denotes the number of data images in the list.
- Clicking on a thumbnail image in the list will show a full-size version, which contains a note including links to PubMed and the original article where available. The accompanying spatial annotations in each entry are based on the full-size images.
- Many of the data images in EMAGE are derived from the literature, are copyrighted and appear in EMAGE under license agreements between EMAGE and each publisher. This is clearly indicated in the notes accompanying each full-size image.
- Where we do not have permission to show a raw data image due to copyright restrictions, we show a generic image showing the copyright symbol: ©. Follow the links from the notes accompanying the full-size version to the original data image in the manuscript.
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