Results Column: THEILER STAGE
- Each row = one EMAGE entry.
- This column contains the Theiler Stage of the specimen associated with each entry.
- If the entry has been fully curated, these values are assigned by an EMAGE curator, based on visual assessment of the morphological charateristics of each specimen. Such entries are denoted by an ID that does not include 'R' in it (e.g. EMAGE:1234)
- If the entry is from the EMAGE data repository (IDs include an 'R' e.g. EMAGE:R1234), the specimens have not been subjected to visual assessment by an EMAGE curator and the approximate Theiler stage values are shown, based on a conversion from the dpc values.
- The number shown in the column header denotes the number of Theiler Stage values in the list.
- The data in the results list can be ordered in either ascending or descending alpha-numerical order of the contents of this column by clicking on the column header title.