There is also a video gallery

Theiler Stage 11 mouse embryo
Theiler Stage 17 mouse embryo, fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde
Theiler Stage 19 mouse embryo, fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde
Theiler Stage 23 mouse embryo, fixed in bouins fixative
Theiler Stage 26 mouse embryo, fixed in bouins fixative
Adult Mouse C3H/12
Serial sectioning in wax using a Leica RM2264 microtome
Theiler Stage 22 mouse embryo, frontal section stained with haematoxylin and eosin
Theiler Stage 22 mouse embryo, frontal section stained with haematoxylin and eosin
Theiler Stage23 mouse embryo, transverse section stained with haematoxylin and eosin
Digital capture using the Olympus Dotslide
Overview of digitised histology sections
Serial sections from an E14.5 embryo (high throughput insitu hybridisation screen)
Diagram showing the imaging technique Optical Projection Tomography
Virtual sagittal sections from Optical Projection Tomography
Delineated anatomy components on a transverse section from a Theiler Stage 19 mouse embryo
Linking of text anatomy ontology to spacial domains in 3D Theiler Stage 14 model
Transverse section through painted anatomy of Theiler Stage 14 model
Linking of text anatomy ontology to spacial domains in 3D Theiler Stage 14 model
WlzWarp 3D warping interface
Serial sections and automatically extracted Matn1 signal from an E14.5 embryo
Matn1 expression pattern in Theiler Stage 23 mouse embryo
Theiler Stage 23 mouse kidney, expression of calbindin in ureteric tips
Mapped expression pattern of Lhx4 (EMAGE:1766) on Theiler Stage 17 model
Visualising staining pattern in arbitrary planes through Ts14 3D embryo
Mapping gene expression using MAPaint
Theiler Stage 12 mouse embryo, wholemount insitu montage
Theiler Stage 19 mouse embryo, high resolution histological section
Theiler Stage 18 mouse embryo, virtual 3D section
Theiler Stage 24 mouse embryo, close up of limb
Representation of 3D warping on Theiler Stage15 embryos
Visualising delineated anatomy Theiler Stage 23 embryo EMA:80 with Amira software
Using Amira software to visualise the surface of Theiler Stage 23 embryo EMA:80
EMA:149 ts25