Video Gallery
There is also an image gallery
Video A A series of 10 surface water scans from developing embryos Theiler Stage 17 to Theiler Stage 26 which have been merged together using X morph software to give an indication of development and time. The series is displayed with rotation. |
Video B A series of 10 surface water scans from developing embryos Theiler Stage 17 to Theiler Stage 26 which have been merged together using X morph software to give an indication of development and time. The series is displayed without rotation. |
Video C A series of 8 imaged kidneys Theiler Stage 17 to Theiler Stage 26. These are histological wax sagittal sections (7um) stained with haematoxylin and eosin . Each section is linked together by tie points and the resulting X morph movie gives the impression of time and structure within the developing kidney. |
Video D An OPT reconstruction of an embryo which was fluorescently labelled with antibodies against neurofilament (green) and HNF3b (blue). The red signal is the autofluorescence of blood in the developing heart tissue. |
Video E A series of transverse histological sections of the developing mouse eye showing the structure forming from the invagination of the neural tissue future optic cup at Theiler Stage 16 to the eventual formation of the retina, lens, cornea and eye lid in the adult mouse. |
Video F A movie displaying the structure and anatomy of the eye. |
Video G Animation showing a TS15 wholemount assay being warped to the wholemount view of the appropriate EMAGE model using a constrained distance warp transformation. |
Video H Mapping a TS12 assay image with gene expression onto the corresponding EMAGE TS12 model using a constrained distance warp transformation. |